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Is it pedophilia or not? Observations on child sexual abuse in Poland from a criminological perspective (M. Bocheński)

Is it pedophilia or not? Observations on child sexual abuse in Poland from a criminological perspective (M. Bocheński)

"The terms “paedophilia” and “paedophile” appear regularly in any discourse on sexual offences against children. (...) This article examines the terminological differences between the definition of paedophilia used in medical diagnosis and the very specific definition enacted in the Polish Criminal Code (Art. 200, Para. 1)."

M. Bocheński, Is it pedophilia or not? Observations on child sexual abuse in Poland from a criminological perspective
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Lawmaking and Sentencing in rape and child sexual abuse cases in Poland – dead end or rational criminal policy? (M. Bocheński)

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Trendy w polskiej polityce karnej w zakresie przestępczości seksualnej (M. Bocheński)

Trendy w polskiej polityce karnej w zakresie przestępczości seksualnej (M. Bocheński)